James has been meeting regularly with residents on the Abbeyfields Estate in Halesowen over the last few months, as many local people have expressed concern over crimes including car crime, anti-social behaviour and burglaries.
Over 100 residents in the area took part in James’s online survey recently to share their concerns, with over 30% of those taking part saying that their concerns had been serious enough to contact the Police. Some of those who took part have been attending regular virtual meetings with James, fellow residents and local Police officers, to discuss what can be done to deter criminal activity.
“Residents should be able to live in peace knowing that their vehicles and properties are safe, and earlier in the year I became aware of a surge in the crime in Abbeyfields area that was causing a lot of concern", said James.
“I want to thank all the residents that took part in my survey, and for those who have been meeting with me and local Police recently. It is good to see the local community working together and looking out for each other, and I’ll continue working with them and doing what I can to help.”
A local resident on the estate added, “We have had some real issues with crime over the last few months, particularly with car theft where thieves are breaking into homes and stealing the keys. Thankfully, working together as residents on the Estate, along with James and local Police Officers, we’ve been able to share information and improve security. Our community WhatsApp group circulates alerts and raises awareness of suspicious activity.”