The last few weeks have been a trying time for Halesowen, the prospect of a large scale industrial site on our local greenbelt has triggered a large scale community campaign to stop these proposals in their tracks.
Although we must do all we can to encourage economic growth and job creation, this must not be at the expense of local heritage, conservation or green space when there are so many other sites which could be used.
I have long been a passionate supporter of Halesowen’s heritage, working with the Friends of Leasowes, The Hales Owen Abbey Trust and local conservationists like Mick Freer in maintaining and protecting our town’s links with the past. So much can be learnt on how we should live our future from understanding the past.
These proposals from Dudley Council will stir a lot of passion, and I have been impressed with the way our community has organised itself so quickly in stepping up the fight to Dudley Council who have proposed these plans. Next week will see a meeting of Dudley’s Full Council, and there will be an opportunity then for local councillors to end these damaging proposals and end what could be years of uncertainty.
I am confident that as a community, fighting together, we can defeat these proposals. Halesowen has a proud place in England’s history. From the Abbey, to The Leasowes Walled Garden (now firmly in community hands) there is a rich tapestry of local history to enjoy. There is also an excellent collection of walk routes put together by Roy Burgess so that everyone can enjoy our local landscape. We need to make sure everyone knows about Halesowen’s hidden jewels.
So let’s get out there, sign the petitions, lobby the Council but most importantly, make use of what we are trying to save!
If you would like to contact James on any issue then email him on [email protected] or phone his office on 0121 550 6777.