Local heritage has always been a passion of mine, and we are fortunate enough here in Halesowen & Rowley Regis to have plenty of it, which we can promote and preserve for future generations.
Recently the Halesowen Civic Society has been launched, and I have been proud to be one of its founding members, and subsequently elected Chairman. The board is made up of group of cross-party local councillors, community leaders and representatives from Halesowen College. We have much to celebrate here, whether it be the Abbey ruins, Leasowes Walled Garden, Leasowes Park, or our beautiful countryside and the Rowley Hills – there is a lot to be celebrated.
It’s not just famous places we have, but also our connections with famous and historical figures. Bill Oddie, Frank Skinner, Robert Plant all have local connections, not forgetting Thomas Attwood, William Shenstone and Walter Somers who all played their part in enriching our history.
The Civic Society aims to create a central resource for local knowledge, allowing for even more people to learn about our past and the important role we played through the ages of English history. One such way of doing this is through the Town Plaque scheme which is beginning to take shape. These plaques will help highlight those places and people who have had a significant impact locally, and stimulate discussion amongst local residents and visitors.
One thing we are rich of in Halesowen and Rowley Regis is volunteers. Across the constituency there are countless community groups who provide services, hold events and fundraise for worthy causes. We have a dedicated volunteering community, and we need to make sure that our volunteers are equipped with the skills that their organisations need to succeed. So we are looking at ways in which to develop a Volunteering Hub which will help add capacity to our local community groups and promote even more volunteering.
I hope that this new Civic Society will give us a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring together all of our different historical figures, places and events and allow us to expand awareness, take pride and celebrate our rich local history.
If you would like to find out more about Halesowen Civic Society you can visit their website at http://www.halesowencivicsociety.org.uk