Halesowen and Rowley Regis MP, James Morris, organised a local Mental Health Forum for those affected by mental illness, charities, carer groups, and statutory organisations to meet and discuss how the challenges of the future can be resolved.
The Forum, which was the inaugural meeting, looked at ways in which ‘parity of esteem’ can be made into a reality. Representatives from a range of organisations and local service users brainstormed ideas of how to tackle some of the issues facing mental health care.
These included ideas on how to improve clinical responses to those in crisis, further engage carers in the treatment of those they care for and how further peer-to-peer support can be used. The event was chaired by charity Re-Think Mental Illness’ national Director for External Affair, Brian Dow.
Following the event MP James Morris said, “I wanted to organise a local mental health forum because I think it is really important that we have these conversations. 1 in 4 people will experience mental ill-health at some point during their life, and I want to know what local people feel should be done to help shape future services.”
The Forum, held at Halesowen’s Lapal House and was attended by more than 20 people from organisations such as Dudley CCG, Dudley Mind, Re-think Mental Illness Carers Group, local councillors and a GP.