Halesowen and Rowley Regis MP James Morris has visited Black Country YMCA to view the Open Door Project which have provided over 18,000 nights of support to the Black Country's most vulnerable young people.
Young people unable to live at home can be extremely vulnerable. They may appear confident and ‘streetwise’ but the reality is very different. They become isolated, lonely and lack self-esteem, missing out on educational and social opportunities that others of the same age take for granted.
Open Door offers vulnerable young people safe accommodation with Host Families – individuals, couples and families who live in the Black Country. A young person placed with a Host will receive a package of support from YMCA Black Country Group to help them gain the confidence and skills they need to become independent adults.
Rachael Taylor, YMCA Supported Lodgings Manager said “James Morris came to meet with the Supported Lodgings Team and one of our Young People to find out more about our innovative project which places vulnerable teenagers with Host families in the community. James is very supportive of the scheme and has kindly pledged his support to help us fundraise to take some of our Young People on a volunteering trip to Marrakech in the summer. We are really grateful for James’ support”.
James Morris MP said, "Without a safe home and the guidance of caring, responsible adults many of these young people become jobless, homeless and suffer with low self-esteem. This project offers a first class service which is providing care, support and hope for many of our young people who find themselves on hard times. I'm keen to help YMCA build on their successes so far, and look at ways the project can expand."